Coordinate and integrate college plans and establish budget priorities consistent
with the college's vision and mission statements, with recommendations, expressed
in dollars, made to the Superintendent/President.
Recommend budget priorities to the Superintendent/President; final recommending authority
to the Board of Trustees rests with the Superintendent/President; final approval authority
rests with the Board of Trustees.
Review the Tentative and Adopted budgets for consistency with annual institutional
goals and objectives, college plans, and the planning and budget philosophy.
The committee was established March 11, 1998, Res. 11338 Bylaws, amended July 15, 2009, Res. 14423.
The college will maintain programs and services which support student success and the attainment of student educational goals.
Financial resources are sufficient to support student learning programs and services and to improve institutional effectiveness. The distribution of resources supports the development, maintenance, and enhancement of programs and services. The institution plans and manages its financial affairs with integrity and in a manner that ensures financial stability. The level of financial resources provides a reasonable expectation of both short-term and long-term financial solvency. Financial resources planning is integrated with institutional planning.
4th Wednesday of the month, 1:00 p.m. (Fall and Spring semesters)
Matthew Thale, Classified Representative, Chair
Clint Dougherty, Acting VP Administrative Services
Jeff Enz, Administrative Rep. (alternate)
Stacey Browning, Director of Fiscal Services
Norma Nunez, Academic Senate Representative
Michael Heumann, Faculty Representative
Veronica Soto, Faculty Representative
Elena Wayne, Classified Representative
Jeff Cantwell, Classified Manager Representative
Melody Chronister, College Council Chair
Associated Student Government Representative
Budget Principles, Guidelines and Priorities, revised 9/3/14
Fund Balance Policy, adopted 3/13/13
Resolution 15732, Board Reserves Requirement, adopted 6/19/13
Recommendation on strategy to increase reserve to 16.6%: M/S/C Lau/Garcia to recommend that at the end of each fiscal year, if a favorable variance exists between budget and actual, this amount will be designated to be part of the reserve. Any use of the available reserve for current operations will have to be approved by the Board of Trustees. Adopted 1/29/14
Recommendation regarding funding plan for OPEB liability: M/S/C Thale/Cantwell to recommend that if a favorable variance exists at the close of a fiscal year (between budget and actual) that this amount be allocated 70% to the reserve and 30% to a fund designated for the OPEB liability within the reserve. Any use of the available reserve for current operations requires approval by the Board of Trustees. Furthermore, if determined to be financially feasible by the administration and the board, the 30% shall be transferred to an irrevocable trust fund for the OPEB liability. Adopted 3/26/14