Resilient Scholars
For Students with experience of foster care and/or homelessness that are currently
between the age of 16-24* (up to age 26 on a case by case basis)
- Counseling
- Supportive Case Management
- Emergency Assitance & Supplies (if funding is available)
- Book Assistance
- Workshops
- Peer Mentoring
- Tutoring
- Referrals to other community programs
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Password: IVCStud3nt
Apply Now!
Visit Resilient Scholars for more information.
Extended Opportunity Program & Services
For students that are considered low-income and meet the following criteria:
California Resident
Qualify for Financial aid (CA Promise Fee Waiver) Must be enrolled in minimum of 12
units (unless approved by Program Coordinator)
Must not have completed over 70 degree applicable units
Must meet one of the following criteria:
1st generation college student
English Language Learner/Emergent Bilingual Household
Special Population - Former Foster Youth, Housing Insecure, Justice-Impacted, Currently
or previously enrolled in developmental courses
Did not graduate high school or earned Geeral Education Development (GED)
If none of the above are met, the EOPS/CARE Coordinator may take other relevant criteria
into consideration to determine eligibility for the program as outlined in Tithe V
of the California Education Code.
- Priority Registration (Group 1)
- Book Grant
- *Transportation Assistance (bus Passes*; Parking Permits)
- Supplies (E.G., Scantrons, Blue Books, Pencils, Snacks) Individualized Career/ Personal
- Academic Counseling
- One-on-One Tutoring Services
- Cap and Gown Assitance
- Gas Cards and "Super" Book Grant* (CARE Program Only)*
- Additional Criteria May Apply
Please Visit EOPS for more information.
Student Equity & Achievement Division
Equity-Minded Supportive Services
Assitance Applying to IVCESL/ Accuplacer Testing Assistance
Completing IVC's Orientation
Academic/Career Counseling
Assistance with DegreeWorks and Registering
Hardship Assistance/Referrals
Advocacy for Students who identify as LGBTQIA+, Black or African American, Veteran,
Disabled, Foster Youth, Homeless, Formerly Incarcerated, and Studends Athletes.
The SEA Program at IVC is recognized as a best-practice by the California Community
College's Chancello's Office and is home to the following programs:
Basic Needs Initiative
IVC Kitchen & Farm-to-Table Initiative
Military & Veteran Success Center
PUENTE Project
Resilient Scholars Program
Restorative Justice Program
Please Visist Assessment Center for more information.
Financial Aid
There are different forms of financial aid that you may qualify for.
- Pell Grant
- Cal Grant
- John Burton Book Funding Grant
- Chafee
Ace Scholars Foster Youth Scholarship
IVROP Foster Youth Scholarships
Visit Financial Aid
Student Equity & Achievement Division
Emergency Assistance
Housing/Rent/Eviction Prevention?
Emergency Funding?
Student Equity Support
Need a laptop for your class?
Technology Support?
Request for Student Technology Support
Contact us
Welcome to IVC! We are so happy that you are here. Please contact us for more information
or any questions you may have.
IVC Foster Youth Liaisons
For Student Equity Emergency Assistance/Resilient Scholars
Alexis Villa, Resilient Scholars Coordinator
Jose Plascencia, EOPS Counselor
For Financial Aid
Alma Orozco, Financial Aid Specialist