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Welcome to Imperial Valley College!

Where we foster excellence in education that challenges students of every background to develop their intellect, character, and abilities; to assist students in achieving their educational and career goals; and to be responsive to the greater community.

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SEA team

Our mission

The Student Equity & Achievement Program (SEA) at Imperial Valley College facilitates a smooth transition to college, supporting all students, especially those underrepresented. The team assists with applications, testing, orientation, counseling, registration, and grants, and advocates for various groups. Recognized as a best-practice, SEA includes initiatives for basic needs, a kitchen & farm-to-table program, military & veteran success, the PUENTE Project, Resilient Scholars, and Restorative Justice Programs.

Request Assistance

SEA will provide students with:
  • Equity-Minded Supportive Services
  • Assistance Applying to IVC
  • ESL/Accuplacer Testing
  • Assistance Completing IVC's Orientation
  • Academic/Career Counseling
  • Assistance with DegreeWorks and Registering
  • Emergency Grants
  • Advocacy for Students who identify as LGBTQIA+, Black or African American, Veteran, Disabled, Foster Youth, Homeless, Formerly Incarcerated, and Student-Athletes.

SEA Matriculation/Basic Needs Specialists:

SEA Matriculation/Basic Needs Specialists at the Basic Needs Center (401) at Imperial Valley College assist with application, orientation, and registration, including support for specific tests and technical issues. We facilitate a smooth transition for high school and first-year students, offering aid for life hardships and academic success, including food, housing, transportation, and loaner tech for those who are eligible. We also support students facing challenges related to homelessness, disabilities, demographics, and more.


SEA Counselors:
Help with academic course and career advisement, comprehensive educational plans, and general IVC questions. Advocates for students to be informed of their career and learning pathways and to stay on track for graduation and/or transfer. 


IVC Outreach
Services Provided

  • School classroom presentations and workshops
  • Community outreach and tabling

If you interested in IVC attending your community event, please contact us at


Where can you find us?

Location: Building 401
Office hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Phone: (760) 355-1826
Social Media: Instagram: ivc_sea
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  SEA Zoom available Monday through Friday
9 am to12 pm and 2 pm to 4 pm