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Administration of Justice

This academic program referred to as the Administration of Justice (more commonly known as Criminal Justice) is directed toward the prevention, treatment, discovery, control, and oversight of processes relating to the criminal justice system. This program also provides the foundational principles for critical thinking, persuasive communication, analytical writing, and a foundational understanding of the behavioral and social sciences.

Degrees and certificates offered in this program provide students the basis for advanced study at 4-year colleges or universities and also prepare them for a wide range of careers included in that broad category.

Law & Order isn't exactly what it looks like on TV. In reality, for the most part, it is far less glamorous. However, it can be an exciting, challenging, and rewarding career path for those that choose to pursue it. Law and order, when managed appropriately by criminal justice professionals is an important function of society. Every community has a place for individuals who elect this field of study. The beauty of this vocation is that it is so diverse. In general, law enforcement whether as a line officer, deputy sheriff, marshal, or state traffic officer, can offer rewarding opportunities. At the other end of the spectrum, more specialized careers are realized by game wardens, paralegals, or criminal investigators. Others investigate crime, present cases in court, and render other services to the justice system and the people, and to the population as a whole. Each role makes unique contributions to the judicial system throughout California and our nation. Population growth in the Imperial Valley will likely require large numbers of additional public safety personnel. Those who work in the field of Administration of Justice enjoy exciting and dynamic careers working with people and serving our community outdoors or in-office. The gamut of fields can stimulate and challenge while offering excellent pay, retirement benefits, and job security locally.

Degree and Certificate Requirements